Thursday 4 July 2013

Catholic Charity Car Donations

Car donation is a noble gesture since it can make a difference in someone's life. Most Catholic charity houses depend solely on donations. Many people donate money or clothes to charities but donating a car is something that is rapidly picking up. Donating a car allows you to get rid of an old car-hassle free and can also provide certain savings on your tax forms.
Car donations made to some Catholic charities are tax deductible. You can claim the car's fair market value if the car is worth less than $500 or if it is in good working condition. You can claim deduction equal to the actual sale price of the car is the car is worth more than $500. The charity house should be a qualified, 501(c)3 IRS registered charity since only such programs are eligible for tax deductions. Information about such charity programs can be obtained from the IRS website or in the Publication 78 that is available at most public libraries.
Determine the value of the car meant for donation. This can be done by checking the blue book value. Take the condition of the car into consideration while determining its value. Most charity organizations take donated cars for free, but there are some which charge certain fees. Make sure you have the title for the car.
These days, Catholic charity car donation has become very easy with online donation forms, easier processing and special services from the charity house like vehicle pick-up and towing. The forms can be filled online and all correspondence can be made through phone or e-mail. Once the car is taken, you would receive a receipt, a letter about the donation and a form 8283 from the IRS for "Noncash Charitable Contributions".
Car charity organizations can be located online over the Internet or they can also be found in the yellow pages or through advertisements.
Charity Car Donations [] provides detailed information on Charity Car Donations, Child Charity Car Donations, Catholic Charity Car Donations, Used Car Charity Donations and more. Charity Car Donations is affiliated with Charity Car Donations.

Donate Cars

Many children do not get proper education and healthy food due financial constraints and lack of required support from charities that they are depending upon. Car donation concept can be the main source for generating funds for such needy children. Unfortunately, the number of car donations is decreasing more and more every year. People today have more beneficial options for their old cars.
Thanks to organizations that accept car for kids after an easy process and provides tax deduction and may be a free vacation with your car donation. These organizations raise funds to support or help poor children by selling cars for kids. So car donation idea is a noble act and everybody should donate car for kids. The entire process of car donation is very easy and convenient. In fact it's the best way to use an old car, which you get rid of it with benefits of tax deductions.
These car donation organizations offer lots of services to car donors for example they tow away the car from the spot it is parked within a day or two and does not charge a single penny from donors. They also offer 24x7 helpline to assist you and complete guidance for car donation formalities.
These poor and needy children need a helping hand. So instead of selling your old car, for few dollars, we should plan to donate car for kids to IRS organizations. Of course it is advisable to check that your car donation is being used for the purpose it is done. Children are the bright future of our nation and by donating cars for kids you can enlighten their lives.
Your car donations will help a non-profit charity approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charity organizations. Cash is always a good charitable donation but, it's not every time available readily. Donate Car for kids. Help the poor with car donations.
For More Information Car Donations in NJ [], and Donate Car New York [].